Today I was very lucky maybe. At that moment I was confused to find the download link books relating Electricity, I accidentally found a site that provides free services. There are even other books are available on this site. Truly free is not it?
In order to maintain and protect the rights, I suggest you to go directly to the site via the link provided at the bottom of this paper.
Some of the books offered on this site are:
1. Electrical Facilities Safety (PDF)
2. Electronics Tutorials (HTML)
3. Op Amp Circuit Collection (PDF)
4. Digital Logic basics (HTML)
5. 555 timer circuits (HTML)
6. Handbook of operational amplifier applications (PDF)
7. Electromagnetic Fields and Energy (free college textbook online) (HTML)
8. Classical Electromagnetism by Richard Fitzpatrick (HTML)
9. Directory of Ebooks by - 54 ebooks (PDF)
10. Electrical Science (PDF)
* Electrical Science Volume 1
* Electrical Science Volume 2
* Electrical Science Volume 3
* Electrical Science Volume 4
11. Lazar's power electronics guide (HTML & PDF)
12. Electric Motor Controls Tutorials (PDF)
13. gerbv - A Free / Open Source Gerber Viewer (Software)
14. PCB - printed circuit board interactive editor for the X11 window system (Software)
15. Programmable Controllers Theory and Implementation (PDF)
16. Automating Manufacturing Systems with PLCs (PDF) - 11Mb
17. More PLC stuffs - Basics, Glossary, Laws (PDF)
18. Process Control Fundamentals (PDF)
19. Ebooks from Texas Instruments (Source: SMPS.US)
* Introduction and Basic Magnetics (PDF)
* Magnetic Core Characteristics (PDF)
* Windings data (PDF)
* Power supply transformer design (PDF)
* Inductor and Flyback Transformer Design (PDF)
* For the remaining 7 ebooks (click here and scroll down under "Unitrode seminar handbook magnetics"
20. Lessons In Electric Circuits (Posted before, but worth re-mentioning) - HTML & PDF
* Volume I - DC
* Volume II - AC
* Volume III - semiconductors
* Volume IV - Digital
* Volume V - Reference
* Volume VI - Experiments
Thank you and may be useful.
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